
Quinnox Middleware Solution

Middleware Solution

Technology makes businesses run better, and the core of any IT functions is the company’s application suite. But getting all your applications and technology to be integrated and work well together can be a challenge. In order to create and run an agile and intelligent business applications environment, every business today needs a top-tier middleware solution to remain competitive.

Solution Overview

Our Quinnox Middleware solution offers structured and proven frameworks, technologies, tools, accelerators and delivery methods that have helped more than 20 leading global organizations to knock down integration challenges across the enterprise and its B2B systems. Our comprehensive suite of Middleware services include proficiency in EAI, B2B, PaaS, SOA, BPM, BAM, CEP, and EDA. This end-to-end solution addresses critical roadblocks of business operations and processes.


The Quinnox Middleware solution offers a number of advantages that result in some substantial benefits to organizations of all sizes, including:

  • Reduces development costs
  • Maximizes IT efficiency and application productivity
  • Automates manual processes and workflows
  • Improves visibility and quality of key processes
  • Proof Points
  • Deep middleware expertise with several upgrades, migration, and M&A projects
  • Our teams have deep expertise in middleware integrations tools like webMethods, TIBCO, Oracle Fusion, WSO2, Talend, MuleSoft, and Informatica. We also have experience in providing Platform as a Service in both private and public cloud.
  • Versatile and broad-based middleware expertise
  • Our middleware expertise extends to fulfilling Arris requirements in migrating middleware platform from webMethods to Oracle Fusion. We’ve executed M&A projects that involve critical steps – analyze, strategize, consolidate, architect.
  • Three years with 99.99% availability; over 100 integrations in webMethods
  • Our teams built the current Arris middleware platform using webMethods/JBOSS/FORUM that was part of the Arris/Motorola Home acquisition. We’ve maintained ARRIS middleware platforms for the last three years with 99.99% availability. We’ve closed 100 integrations in webMethods, and our support team performed a major platform upgrade from 8.2 to 9.5 with zero issues reported.

The Quinnox Advantage

Our middleware teams have deep experience in executing complex, multiyear, high availability, global, SLA based programs. Quinnox has been a preferred managed services partner for many Fortune 500 clients for whom we have reduced total cost of ownership (TCO), enhanced productivity with tools and accelerators, and provided support in niche areas with focused intent and agility.

Quinnox Middleware solutions include:

Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Impact Analysis
  • Framework for M&A Architecture Advisory
  • Framework for M&A Architecture Advisory
  • Consolidation post M&A
  • Disaster Recovery and MAA designing

Platform as a Service

  • Integration/Application Platform Rationalization
  • Cloud Integration 24 x 7 Monitoring
  • Maintenance and enhancements
  • Periodic upgrade

Business to Business Integration

  • BAM, BPM, SOA Consulting EDI Solutions
  • Product Upgrade
  • MDM
  • Helpdesk
  • Event Driven Architecture

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