
Your Complimentary Gartner Report

Choose the Best Integration Tool for Your Needs Based on the Three Basic Patterns of Integration.


Best Integration

Your Complimentary Gartner Report: Choose the Best Integration Tool for Your Needs Based on the Three Basic Patterns of Integration

“All integration challenges can be decomposed into some combination of three integration patterns. Application leaders should use this research to address these challenges using the most suitable integration products, including but not limited to ESBs, iPaaS and RPA.

Use This Suitability Framework to Identify Your Best-Fit Integration Tool Based on Which Integration Challenges You Need to Address:

  • Each Integration Pattern Emphasizes Different Best of Breed Integration Capabilities
  • Each Integration Tool Category Addresses Different Integration Needs
  • Use the Integration Tool Category Suitability Framework to Help Choose Which Integration Tool Will Best Meet Your Integration Needs.”
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